Personal Crap

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Meaford, ON, Canada
A big lover of all types of media, from Movies to Video Games, Books to Music, Television to Stage.



Okay, here's the deal: Blogger has been having problems with their counters as of late, specifically with those blogs marked as having adult content. Now, this particular blog was marked as adult content since it is written as a train of thought, including all the rotten language that flows through my head constantly :) As a result, I marked it adult for that, not for having pornographic photos all over the place. So, simply put, be aware that there is language on this blogsite, and if you are offended don't bother complaining because I wrote this so that you'd know it before reading, and it is your fault if you don't believe me and decide to possibly get offended anyway. If language of a vulgar nature might make you upset, go read something by Disney.


12th And Final BGJ Entry - Now On With The Blog!

Before It's Up, What Is It? - December 11th, 2005 - 09:26 AM.

It flows, like a river. It waits for no one. It moves quickly, it moves slowly. It stands still. It changes things. It brings age, and with age, wisdom. You can get things done in the nick of it. It's to go; it's to die, Mr. Bond. It heals all wounds. It's to leave, if you're going to be on it. You feel good when you're just in it, but it catches up with all of us. It's relative. I've got some, want to spend some with me? I give it to others. You still have it, you take it, then you waste it. Sometimes it feels like we're all killing it, yet it is unchanging, unwavering, and marches on. It's a magazine.
We measure it, disect it. Compartmentalize it. Count it, keep it. We can't turn it back. It is all one piece, no matter how we minimalize it. Given some of it, almost anything is possible. We never have enough of it, yet it's all we ever have. I have all of it in the world. I have it on my hands, but I still let it pass. It goes by like water under the bridge, yet you can't go back in it.
You can feel it weighing on you. It's for stopping and smelling roses. It's to make a change. It's to try something new. It ends things. It runs out. It's to do some good; it's to take things seriously. Sometimes it's not the right one, or the right place. Everything happens in a measure of it. It's to grow up. It is that which we remember. The good and the bad. The tough. You can serve it, hard. People have done it. It is all one great big piece, and it cares not what we do with ours.
Have you discovered what 'it' is? It's TIME, and mine's up for this post.

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