Personal Crap

My photo
Meaford, ON, Canada
A big lover of all types of media, from Movies to Video Games, Books to Music, Television to Stage.



Okay, here's the deal: Blogger has been having problems with their counters as of late, specifically with those blogs marked as having adult content. Now, this particular blog was marked as adult content since it is written as a train of thought, including all the rotten language that flows through my head constantly :) As a result, I marked it adult for that, not for having pornographic photos all over the place. So, simply put, be aware that there is language on this blogsite, and if you are offended don't bother complaining because I wrote this so that you'd know it before reading, and it is your fault if you don't believe me and decide to possibly get offended anyway. If language of a vulgar nature might make you upset, go read something by Disney.


Start Of Final Blog

That does sound ominous, doesn't it?  Almost as though this is my last writing...well, it isn't, so cut that wishful thinking shit out right now!

This is just a notification that my fifth and final blogsite is now up and running, with an introduction to what it is and why it exists.  The title of the blog is An Autobiography Of Some Random Guy, and is meant to be a record of my life experiences.  From my first memories, to what happened last week, I am hoping to put my entire life up on this blogsite, so that at least there will be something of me that lasts beyond my least until our robot overlords eliminate our access to the internet.

Until that fateful day, however, I will chronicle an average person's life, mine, and hope that someone out there deems it worthy to be read.  If not, at least my history will be out there as long as the site is active.

Later, Good Readers.

Happy Thursday

Actually, I feel extremely blah today.  See, was going to the dentist yesterday and I decided that my left knee was feeling just a little too happy about itself, just a wee bit too I decided to pile-drive it straight down into the driveway on my way to the taxi.  Scared the hell out of Andi and the cab driver, let me tell you.  Now, however, my knee doesn't feel quite so happy-go-lucky, so I win.  You hear that, knee?  I WIN!!!

In other news, my mouth feels like it got beat up yesterday, but that part is understandable.  Somehow through the pain I have managed to post more movie news and rumours over on Real To Reel, so feel free to follow that there link.

Haven't heard any fallout from yesterday's post, so either nobody is reading it or my viewpoint is more popular than I thought.  Think I'll choose to believe the latter, no matter how far-fetched it seems.

Today also marks the official signing of the mortgage over to a new company.  No word yet on the appraisal giving us extra funds in order to get rid of some of our outstanding debts, but at least the mortgage is being transferred today.  At noon, papers arrive for me to sign, and all is done.  Then we'll see what First National has to say about playing ball with us when we shove the bat up their asses.

Other than that, today is just another random day, with flurries and snow and a whole host of other stuff I'm not going to miss one iota when I'm living in the Dominican Republic.  Honestly, the next three years (if I survive that long) can't pass by fast enough for me.  Have a day, everyone.