Personal Crap

My photo
Meaford, ON, Canada
A big lover of all types of media, from Movies to Video Games, Books to Music, Television to Stage.



Okay, here's the deal: Blogger has been having problems with their counters as of late, specifically with those blogs marked as having adult content. Now, this particular blog was marked as adult content since it is written as a train of thought, including all the rotten language that flows through my head constantly :) As a result, I marked it adult for that, not for having pornographic photos all over the place. So, simply put, be aware that there is language on this blogsite, and if you are offended don't bother complaining because I wrote this so that you'd know it before reading, and it is your fault if you don't believe me and decide to possibly get offended anyway. If language of a vulgar nature might make you upset, go read something by Disney.


Dominican, Ho!!!

Okay, so it isn't as though we're gearing up to actually head to the Dominican today or anything, but today is a pretty big day around here.  I'll get to that, and a new post, in just a second.  First off, I'd like to say that finally, for the first time in a week, I slept all the way to 7am!!!  Three cheers for me!  Okay, enough of that, on with the news.

The reason I'm saying today is a big day is due to the fact that we have an appraiser coming to the house today, in order for us to get our mortgage moved to a different lending institution.  Now, this might not seem like a big deal, but when you combine lower payments with extra funds to eliminate some of our debts, PLUS the added bonus of finally being able to take the old mortgage company, First National, to court via the Ontario Ombudsman, and things are certainly on their way to the tropics.  My favourite part is being in a position to screw First National to the wall for all the bullshit they've caused us in the years since my father died.  Can't wait to ream them like they've reamed us, because we're going to be getting money back from those assholes, let me tell you.  I'm not going to get into details, just in case including their name in this post draws them to this site and they read this, but suffice it to say they're going to get everything they have coming to them, and we're going to make it hurt.  A lot.  No lube.

Other news today is that I have just posted a review of five of this season's newest shows, and that can be found over at Telly Vision.  Agree or disagree, feel free to post comments or write to me with thoughts.  I know there are readers out there, just wish they'd let me know they exist!

That being said, have a good day - oh, and if you are in the Toronto area, get anything you need to do outside done today, because the weekend is going to be a real weenie-shrinker, so bundle up!